book list

January 10, 2011 at 1:28 pm (books, social networking, vampires) (, )

So My sister mentioned how many books she read this year and I didn’t keep track this year for the first time in a long time. But I do know I read less than my usual 100 or so books. Way less . And it is the fault of facebook . Mostly because I just poke at t he computer — for ‘just a few more minutes’ which ends up in me heading to the bedroom just a little later, which means very little reading before sleep. So I thought I’d keep a rough list here and see if I can bump the number back up if the books are staring at me

this year so far:

Bad kitty by Micheele Jaffe riduculous, fun ya mystory in Vegas

Souless by Gail Carriger Vampire/werewolf/romance/ stempunk mystery – fun

and I am alomost finished with

The Reformed Vampire Support Group by Caherine Jinks – a little more real than the other two.

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