
March 5, 2012 at 4:49 pm (Uncategorized) (, , )

On Facebook,  I  talk  about going to the Vine  a lot,  espcially  on  every other  Wednesday .   That  is  my  day  off (  which  menas  work  every other  Satuday )  and I  try  to  go  down  for  Happy  hour.  Sometimes , there  are  10  or  12  of  us , but last  week , on  Bonus  Thursday ,  there  were  only  three  of  us.  While hnaging  with  my  friends  C  and C ,  I finally understood why  it  is something I  enjoy  so  much.  It  isn’t  the  wine and food ( though that  is  good !); it  is  the conversation.   The  conversation is  not intense, or earth  shattering , but  that is what is going on .  Yes,  we  all have  phones and yes  there might be a facebook  messages — or picutres  of food  and wine  sent to working spouses  and friends , but  mostly it is  just conversation. 

We  all have  families , work  to  do  (  yes painting  counts ), and our  time  is  limited.  so  we talk  about stuff. and  some other stuff ,  and then  some more. 

I  like  these  long  meandering conversations  and  I  value  them.


  1. Christine Wilson said,

    I value them as well

  2. bjb said,

    I have my walking buddies, We call our conversation “road kill” because our subject are often that, and we don’t want it to go beyond the road we walk, We don’t have side walks. It’s a great way to start our day.

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