
January 23, 2008 at 2:02 pm (fun, learning 2.0, library, social networking, web 2.0) (, , )

Ok, I admit it. I am afraid of LibraryThing. My online friends all got into it last year and they were obsessed. They would stay up all night entering their books . And then there were the questions they had to ask …’what if the book belong to my SO? should I include it? ” “how about the books I haven’t read yet. do they count? ‘ and ‘ What about the books I will get rid of one day ?’. And these are not librarians(well some are) , just people that understand that books are part of any decorating theme. But I bit the bullet and started adding a few books. here is My library , at the least the beginning.  So far I have just added a few cookbooks.  However, I  joined my online friends group – and they are all ready luring me into  adding other books that I know we have in common.


  1. daniebob said,

    So have you decided how you’re going to use it? I know you were talking about *maybe* just putting your cookbooks on it…

  2. Lindsey said,

    I saw your blog post while I was doing a Blog Search, and I quote you on the LibraryThing Buzz page – hope you don’t mind!

    And um, If you do mind, just email me and I’ll remove your words. Thanks for saying nice things about LibraryThing (or at least amusing things!), and I hope that using your words on our Buzz page is okay.

    Lindsey, Assistant Librarian at

  3. egb63 said,

    Actually, you just made my day!

  4. AmyCH said,

    We finally lured you in! Mwahahahaha! (btw, I’m sabreuse on LT)

  5. Kari said,

    I checked out the Library Thing website. It’s too much for me. I’d have to decide what’s important to me and what I wanted reflected in my list – “pseudo” intelligence or my guilty pleasures from purely escapist readings. I’m trying to get rid of my books, except of course, my cookbooks. I still can’t find a few that were in storage.

    BTW, I’m avoiding reading a classmate’s paper and working on my own paper.

  6. egb63 said,

    But since you are at your computer you can pretend you are doing work. How clever.

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